//*                       Box-Quote 2020-07-21                        *
//*                   >> OnBeforeSendingMessage <<                    *
//*                                                                   *
//* Dieses Script setzt verschiedene Boxen um einen Text              *
//*                                                                   *
//* Funktionalitaet: [x] neutral                                      *
//*                  [ ] nur Basis_Modul                              *
//*                  [ ] nur Pathfinder                               *
//*                                                                   *
//* Datum         : 05.04.2004                                        *
//* Autoren       : Marcus Mönnig                                     *
//* Erweiterungen : Dietmar Vollmeier                                 *
//* Überarbeitung : 21.07.2020 Thomas Barhhahn                        *
//*                                                                   *
//* DateiName : _i_OBSendM_Boxquote.ds                                *
//* Einbindung: {$I _i_OBSendM_Boxquote.ds}                           *
//* Aufruf    :                                                       *
//*    Result := Result := boxquote ( Result, Message, Error_Func );  *

procedure Init_Boxquote ( var StartLine_close_box  : String;
                          var StartLine_open_box   : String;
                          var StartLine_code_box   : String;
                          var Separator            : char;
                          var Top_Left             : char;
                          var Top_Center           : char;
                          var Top_Right            : char;
                          var Middle_Left          : char;
                          var Middle_Right         : char;
                          var Down_Left            : char;
                          var Down_Center          : char;
                          var Down_Right           : char;
                          var LineWidthTop         : integer;
                          var LineWidthBottom      : integer;
                          var s_no_Box_Quote       : integer;
                          var s_Box_Quote_title    : integer;
                          var s_Box_Quote_content  : integer;
                          var Box_Quote_title_code : String


//{                 Anwenderspezifische Einstellungen                 }

        StartLine_close_box := 'Box:';   // geschlossener Rahmen
        StartLine_open_box  := 'Zitat:'; // offener Rahmen
        StartLine_code_box  := 'Code:';  // Code-Box
        Separator           := '-';

// Example:
// Box:  <---  Startline - create a box
// -     <---  your Separator
// Text  <---  your Text
// -     <---  your Separator (Endtag)
// Box:
// Head of Box
// -
// Text
// -

// Example: Text with Footnotes in your box
// Box:
// Wolfgang testet
// -
// Wolfgang Bauer #FN# Wolfgang muss eigentlich nur richtig lesen, dann 
// klappt sein Vorhaben auch! $# versucht sich gleich an den schwierigsten 
// Dingen, welche Fussnoten #FN# solch ein Dingens hier $# und Boxen #FN#  
// sind Rahmen um einen Text $# bieten koennen. <<
// -

//{                       Ende der Einstellungen                      }

//{           !!!  Ab hier bitte nichts mehr ändern  !!!              }

        Top_Left             := ',';
        Top_Center           := '-';
        Top_Right            := '.';
        Middle_Left          := '|';
        Middle_Right         := '|';
        //Down_Left            := ''+#39+'';
        Down_Left            := '`';
        Down_Center          := '-';
        //Down_Right           := ''+#39+'';
        Down_Right           := '''';
	      LineWidthTop         := 2;
	      LineWidthBottom      := 4;
        s_no_Box_Quote       := 0;
        s_Box_Quote_title    := 1;
        s_Box_Quote_content  := 2;
        Box_Quote_title_code := 'Code';


//--[ START Function BoxQuote ]---------------------------------------
function StringReplaceM(
   S          : String;
   OldPattern : String;
   NewPattern : String;
   replaceall : Boolean;
   ignorecase : Boolean
) : String;

   SearchStr : String;
   Patt      : String;
   NewStr    : String;
   Offset    : Integer;
   MaxInt    : Integer;

   MaxInt := 2147483647;
   if IgnoreCase then begin
      SearchStr := AnsiUpperCase( S );
      Patt := AnsiUpperCase( OldPattern );
   else begin
      SearchStr := S;
      Patt := OldPattern;
   NewStr := S;
   Result := '';
   while SearchStr <> '' do begin
      Offset := AnsiPos(Patt, SearchStr);
      if Offset = 0 then begin
         result := result + NewStr;
      result := result + Copy( NewStr, 1, Offset - 1 ) + NewPattern;
      NewStr := Copy( NewStr, Offset + Length(OldPattern), MaxInt );
      if not ReplaceAll then begin
         Result := Result + NewStr;
      SearchStr := Copy( SearchStr, Offset + Length(Patt), MaxInt );
end;  // function StringReplaceM()

function RepeatChar(
   c     : Char;
   count : Integer
) : String;

   i : Integer;
   if count < 0 then count := 0;
   SetLength( result, count );
   for i:=1 to count do result[i] := c;
end;  // function RepeatChar()

function CountChars(
   s : String;
   c : Char
) : Integer;

   i : Integer;

   result := 0;
   for i := 1 to Length( s ) do if s[i] = c then result := result + 1;
end;  // function CountChars()

Function BoxQuote ( fbkResult  : Boolean;
                    Message    : TStringlist;
                    Error_Func : String ) : Boolean;

   i, j, k, Inti        : Integer;
   state                : Word;
   Box_Quote_startline  : Integer;
   Box_Quote_title      : String;
   Box_Quote_content    : String;
   maxwidth             : Integer;
   sl                   : Tstringlist;
   CloseBox             : Boolean;
   CodeBox              : Boolean;
   StartLine_close_box  : String;
   StartLine_open_box   : String;
   StartLine_code_box   : String;
   Separator            : Char;

   Top_Left             : char;
   Top_Center           : char;
   Top_Right            : char;
   Middle_Left          : char;
   Middle_Right         : char;
   Down_Left            : char;
   Down_Center          : char;
   Down_Right           : char;

   LineWidthTop         : integer;
   LineWidthBottom      : integer;

   s_no_Box_Quote       : integer;
   s_Box_Quote_title    : integer;
   s_Box_Quote_content  : integer;
   Box_Quote_title_code : String;
   // Rückgabewert entsprechend vorheriger Scriptprobleme setzen
   Result := fbkResult;

   // Wenn bereits irgendein Script einen Fehler verursacht hat,
   // dann braucht dieses hier nicht mehr ausgeführt werden
   If Not Result Then begin
      WriteToLog ('==== ANFANG =======================================' ,4);     
      WriteToLog ('Script *** Box-Quote *** wurde nicht mehr ausgefuehrt' ,4);
      WriteToLog ('Script ' + Error_Func + ' hat diesen Fehler verursacht!' ,4);
      WriteToLog ('==== ENDE =========================================' ,4);     
   Init_Boxquote ( StartLine_close_box, StartLine_open_box, StartLine_code_box, Separator, Top_Left,
                   Top_Center, Top_Right, Middle_Left, Middle_Right, Down_Left, Down_Center, Down_Right, LineWidthTop, LineWidthBottom,
                   s_no_Box_Quote, s_Box_Quote_title, s_Box_Quote_content, Box_Quote_title_code );
   state := s_no_Box_Quote;
   i := 0;
   Box_Quote_startline := -1;
   while i <= message.count-1 do begin
      case state of
         s_no_Box_Quote: begin
            if    (message.strings[i] = StartLine_close_box)
               or (message.strings[i] = StartLine_open_box)
               or (message.strings[i] = StartLine_code_box)
            then begin
               if message.strings[i] = StartLine_close_box
                  then CloseBox := true
                  else CloseBox := false;
               if message.strings[i] = StartLine_code_box
                  then CodeBox := true
                  else CodeBox := false;
               Box_Quote_startline := i;
               Box_Quote_title     := '';
               Box_Quote_content   := '';
               maxwidth     := 1;
               state        := s_Box_Quote_title;
         s_Box_Quote_title: begin
            if message.strings[i] = Separator then begin
               if CodeBox and (Box_Quote_title = '') then
                  Box_Quote_title := Box_Quote_title_code;
               state := s_Box_Quote_content;
            else Box_Quote_title := trim( Box_Quote_title + ' ' + message.strings[i] );
         s_Box_Quote_content: begin
            if message.strings[i] = Separator then begin
               if Length( '[ ' + Box_Quote_title + ' ]' ) > maxwidth
                  then maxwidth := Length( '[ ' + Box_Quote_title + ' ]' ) + 6;
               // delete the raw BoxQuote
               for j := Box_Quote_startline to i do message.delete( Box_Quote_startline );
               // middle part
               if not CodeBox then begin
                  Box_Quote_content := stringreplacem( #13#10 + Box_Quote_content,
                                                #13#10, #13#10 + Middle_Left + ' ',
                                                true, false );
                  delete( Box_Quote_content, 1, 2 );
               // first line
               if (Box_Quote_title <> '') and not CodeBox
                  then Box_Quote_content := Top_Left
                                     + RepeatChar( Top_Center, LineWidthTop )
                                     + '[ ' + Box_Quote_title + ' ]'
                                     + #13#10
                                     + Box_Quote_content
               else if (Box_Quote_title = '') and not CodeBox
                  then Box_Quote_content := Top_Left
                                     + RepeatChar( Top_Center, LineWidthTop )
                                     + #13#10
                                     + Box_Quote_content
               else if (Box_Quote_title <> '') and CodeBox
                  then Box_Quote_content := '8<'
                                     + RepeatChar( Top_Center, LineWidthTop )
                                     + '[ ' + Box_Quote_title + ' ]'
                                     + #13#10
                                     + Box_Quote_content
               else if (Box_Quote_title = '') and CodeBox
                  then Box_Quote_content := '8<'
                                     + RepeatChar( Top_Center, LineWidthTop )
                                     + #13#10
                                     + Box_Quote_content;
               // last line
               if Codebox
                  then Box_Quote_content := Box_Quote_content + #13#10 + '8<' + RepeatChar( Down_Center, LineWidthBottom )
                  else Box_Quote_content := Box_Quote_content + #13#10 + Down_Left + RepeatChar( Down_Center, LineWidthBottom );
               sl := Tstringlist.create;
                  sl.text := Box_Quote_content;
                  // close the box
                  if CloseBox or CodeBox then begin
                     for j := 0 to sl.count-1 do begin
                        k := maxwidth - length( sl.strings[j] );
                        if j = 0 then
                           if CodeBox
                              then sl.strings[j] := sl.strings[j] + repeatchar( Top_Center, k ) + '>8'
                              else sl.strings[j] := sl.strings[j] + repeatchar( Top_Center, k+3 ) + Top_Right
                        else if j = sl.count-1 then
                           if CodeBox
                              then sl.strings[j] := sl.strings[j] + repeatchar( Down_Center, k ) + '>8'
                              else sl.strings[j] := sl.strings[j] + repeatchar( Down_Center, k+3 ) + Down_Right
                        else if not Codebox
                           then sl.strings[j] := sl.strings[j] + repeatchar(' ', k+3) + Middle_Right;
                  For Inti := (sl.count - 1) downto 0 do begin
                  	 // WriteToLog ('I'm here! ***' + IntToStr(sl.count), 4);
                     // message.insert( Box_Quote_startline, trim(sl.text) );
                     message.insert( Box_Quote_startline, trimright(sl[Inti]));
                  end; // For   
                  i := Box_Quote_startline + sl.count - 1;
            else begin
               if Box_Quote_content = ''
                  then Box_Quote_content := message.strings[i]
                  else Box_Quote_content := Box_Quote_content + #13#10 + message.strings[i];
               if Length( message.strings[i] ) > maxwidth
                  then maxwidth := length( message.strings[i] );
      end;  // case
      i := i + 1;
   end; // While
      // Bei Problemen das Senden der Nachricht unterbinden
         WriteToLog ('FEHLER im Script *** BoxQuote ***' ,5);
         Error_Func := '*** BoxQuote ***';    
         Result := False;
      end; // Except
   end; // Try ... Except      
end;  // Function BoxQuote

//--[ ENDE Function BoxQuote ]----------------------------------------